Connect with Jean-Claude Monney

Jean-Claude Monney

Digital Workplace & KM Advisor
The Monney Group, LLC

Picture of Jean-Claude MonneyJean-Claude Monney is a Digital Workplace and Knowledge Management experienced practitioner and thought leader.

Since 2017, he provides Digital Workplace and KM advisory services to clients worldwide.

Until 2017, Jean-Claude served as Chief Knowledge Officer at Microsoft, where he and his team re-imagined the division’s Digital Workplace knowledge management system on Microsoft O365 cloud platform they launched in 2014 and that was used as a reference model by many customers.

He is on the advisory board of Kent State University School of Information for their KM Master’s and was a faculty member at Columbia University where he taught Digital Workplace transformation strategies as part of  the Master of Science in Information and Knowledge Strategy (IKNS) program.

As a practitioner, Jean-Claude led 3 global Digital Workplace transformations and is considered one of the world’s leading experts in applying KM to drive innovation and productivity. He delivered keynote addresses at major KM industry and customer executive events worldwide, including NASA, the World Bank, KMWorld, APQC KM Conference, Internet Librarian Conference, and at more than hundred Fortune 500 companies.

Jean-Claude served on several high-tech boards and held executive-level positions including:  17 years at STMicroelectronics where he was Group Vice President for 7 years; 9 years at Digital Equipment Corporation; and 4 years at Motorola Semiconductor.

While VP at STMicroelectronics, Jean-Claude served 2 years as Chairman of the Electronic Components Board of RosettaNet, an organization fueled by leading technology companies to define and implement a common set of standards for e-Business. In 2001, he was named European e-Pioneer by the Electronics Business News magazine for his e-Business leadership.

Jean-Claude has an Electronics and Nuclear Physics Engineering degree from the “Ecole Technique Supérieure” of Geneva, Switzerland.

 He lives in Mill Valley California with his wife and is a proud father of 4 children and 4 grandchildren.

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